Author Archives: dbertrend

Grade 8 Social Studies Exam

Dear Class,

Here is the exam outline we reviewed in class. You each received a hardcopy of the instructions, but is the digital copy.

Your exam is on Wednesday, June 12th. Begining with the end in mind and knowing when you’re exam is, be proactive in studying each evening to prepare for the exam. Use the study guide below to plan out what content you want to review each day:

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As always, let me know if you have any questions!

Gr. 8 English Social Studies H.W.

Hi Everyone,

Here is the homework questions to complete by Thursday, May 17th. Remember that you can choose either question 1 or 2. Your answer should be between 10-12 sentences. Here is the link to the Powerpoint from class about Confederation.

  1. Which colony had the most to gain from joining Confederation? Which colony had the most to lose?


  1. In your opinion, what is the strongest reason FOR Confederation? What is the strongest reason AGAINST Confederation? Explain.

Let me know if you have any questions!


Canadian Geographic Energy Challenge Awards

The OJCS Middle School Social Studies classes have been recognized for their dedication to reducing their carbon footprint through completing the Canadian Geographic Energy Diet Challenge. Each Middle School class completed a series of 16 challenges, aimed at educating students about energy sources and also ways to reduce energy consumption by forming new habits at home and at school. Most of the challenges were completed at school, such as locating sources of phantom energy around the school building, calculating carbon footprints, recycled art projects, and hosting our own ‘Eco-Exchange’ swap. The classes won a variety of awards- some for being recognized for their work in a particular challenge to ‘pool prizes’ being awarded for completing all 16 challenges.

Below is a list of the awards received:

Grade 8:

  • Public Engagement Prize ( $1000 )
  • Pool Prize of Completed Challenges ( $228.26 )

Grade 7:

  • Take Home Challenge ( $ 1000 )
  • Pool Prize of Completed Challenges ( $228.26 )

Grade 6:

  • Tips, Tricks and Announcements Challenge Draw ( $125 )

To share the exciting news with the students, each class received a ‘puzzle’ sharing the news of each award that they had to complete and read together!

Eco-Exchange: Friday, April 12th

This Friday, April 12th the class will be completing the ‘Reuse, Recycle, Re-gift’ challenge by participating in a ‘Eco-Exchange Swap’. The goal of the challenge is for students to explore the importance of reusing/re-gifting items as a way to reduce their waste and is an alternative to recycling. The focus is on donating items to the swap that are no longer used for someone else to enjoy, rather than on ‘getting something’ in return. We will encourage students to only take items in return that they will actually use. We are also weaving in conversations about the life cycle of products and needs vs.wants this week in preparation for the swap.
What do students need to do?
  • Students are asked to bring in 2-3 items that they no longer use for the swap.
  • They must ask for permission before bringing in items, and you are welcome to place rules on what they are allowed to bring home (ie. no electronics).
  • The items need to be in good condition.
  • Some examples of items include: books, board games, movies, video games, sports equipment, etc.

After the event, we will be donating all remaining items to a local charity.

Canadian Geographic Energy Diet: Vote for Our Videos!

The Grade 6-8 Social Studies classes have been busy completing their 16 challenges for the Canadian Geographic Energy Diet Challenge! 

One challenge involved the class using Habit 6: Synergize to work together to create a video teaching others about the importance of saving energy and ways to save energy. The classes showed amazing teamwork and worked to the strengths of each individual- some students were in the videos, while others were behind the scenes either writing the script or filming.

Here are our video links- please share them and vote! You can vote each day- watch or scroll to the end of each video and click ‘VOTE’.

Grade 6 Video Link is Here

Grade 7 Video Link is Here

Grade 8 Video Link is Here

Happy Voting! Thanks for your support.


Canadian Geographic Challenge: Energy Saving Tips & Tricks

Energy Saving Tips & Tricks

Grade 6

Grade six would like to share some information about ways to save energy. We came up with a some  different ways to save energy. The first way is to unplug your chargers from outlets when fully charged because it is using phantom energy. Phantom energy is when you keep something plugged into an outlet. Even if your electronics are not charging, just being in the wall uses energy. Another very important way to save energy is by using your appliances after 7 o’clock. That will not only save energy but also save money. Many people think that using lights when you are not in the room is not wasting energy but it certainly is. Instead of using your light, use natural light. Also, turn off the lights when nobody is in the room to save energy. If you can either bike or walk use that an advantage. Using your car uses lots of  energy. If it’s not a walking distance that you are able to bike then try and catch a bus. When a lot of people are on a bus then it does not take up as much energy as all of those people in cars. It wastes the same amount of energy than using a car but for much more people. When you have free time do not just go on your devices, go and play outside because it is a lot better for the environment and for your you. If you do not follow these ways to save energy then you are harming the environment. If you follow some of these rules then you are still helping. If you follow all of these rules then you can help change the world!

Grade 7

After brainstorming different ways to save energy, we came up with 10 ways to save energy, here is a list:

  1. Turn off the lights in a room and use natural light, or turn off the lights after leaving a room.
  2. Do not keep the tap on as you brush your teeth.
  3. Recycle things that need to be recycled.
  4. Unplug or turn off things when your done using them, like chargers.
  5. Take the bus, ride a bike, or carpool.
  6. Go outside instead of being inside using devices.
  7. Instead of drying clothes in a dryer, leave it outside or put it on a drying rack.
  8. Take shorter showers.
  9. Use cars instead of airplanes when traveling if possible.
  10. Use LED lights instead of fluorescent lights.

Grade 8

Today we’re going to be looking at ways you can save energy, the environment and money! Most people don’t even realize how much excess energy they use on a daily basis.

One of the most common energy wasters is phantom energy. Most people don’t even realize how catastrophic phantom energy can be to your bill and the environment. Phantom energy occurs when your devices are plugged in and not in use or fully charged. Phantom energy on average is can be about 5% of your entire bill. Think about how much energy and money you could be saving. A few examples of where you can prevent phantom energy are unplugging your phone charger while not in use, unplugging your toaster or your Xbox/PS4/PC can fairly easily

Another way to save energy is by taking public transportation. The number one reason why people take public transportation is that it costs a lot less. That is definitely a plus but there are so many other advantages. For example, it helps deplete the amount of cars on the road every day. Also you are helping the environment which at this rate won’t be here for much longer. All those cars create tons of carbon emissions which destroy the ozone layer and our environment. In lots of mega cities like London or New York where traffic is horrible, taking public transportation can even be faster than a taxi or car.

In school you kids out there can start saving energy too. Minor things like turning off the lights when you leave a room or packing no trace lunches can have a huge impact on the environment. Turning off the lights when you leave a room can save a ton of energy. If you are concerned about the absurd amount of trash produced by the earth every day then you can do your part too. By packing no trace lunches you can save the environment. It’s not even that difficult; Just put your snacks into reusable containers instead of ziploc bags.

You can save energy right now! 

Energy Challenge: ENERflection Instructions

Here are the instructions for your ENERflections.

A reminder that you ENERflection for Challenge #2 is due on Thursday for Mrs.B or Friday if you have class with Mr.C. You choose the format that works best for you! Looking forward to reading, viewing, and listening to all your ENERflections!

If you are signed up to complete the class blog for Challenge #2 your deadline is Thursday for the blog post. The blog post for Challenge #1 is up if you want an example.

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Energy Challenge: Challenge #1, ‘One Hour, No Power’

Canadian Geographic Classroom Energy Diet Challenge


By: Brandon and Noam

Our first challenge for the Classroom Energy Challenge is ‘One Hour, No Power’. You are supposed to track how many hours at home or at school without power. Power is something that is always around you. A lot of things use power such as video games, cars, power outlets and many more. In our first week, we already have 8 hours, 20 minutes and that is a lot. We think that this challenge would be good because it is not hard and would be fun. A lot of the class thought it would be easy because they need time off their electronics. A few said that it wouldn’t be easy they have after school activities and it is dark out when they get home.  


By: Zoe and Jayson 

This week the Grade 7 class started the Energy Diet Challenge, this consists of multiple challenges that will help save our environment. We are competing against other classes in Canada, but in the end the only actually winner is the earth. There is a total of 16 challenges per class, and there are over 90 prizes to win!! The first challenge that we will be participating in is called ‘1 hour, No Power’. Each student will discover the incredible world without power, they will log the amount of time that they have spent without power. At the end of the whole competition there will be points awarded. After the first week of the challenge, our class has already spent 5 hours and 50 minutes without power!


By Daniel and Oliver



A Fun Field Trip to Bill Mason Outdoor Education Centre! By Grade 7

Written by the Grade 7 students

On January 31st we went to the Bill Mason Outdoor Education Centre and enjoyed a pleasant and exciting day outside. Our trip consisted of fun filled activities such as snowshoeing through the marsh, forest and even on top of ice! On our way through the forest we learned to recognize the different animal footprints and medicinal plants! At the end of our first activities we received a handful of sunflower seeds to feed the beautiful chickadees! Parallel to our unit in History we did a mock portage to see if we were capable of being a Fur Trader! After our lunch break to warm up and refuel we played a Fur Trading game that taught us how actual voyagers back in the day in New France would have survived! Overall this was a fun and educational game that we all enjoyed!